Word Processors were never made for pastors and they certainly aren’t ideal for preaching. Sermonary is! Podium Mode replaces useless word processor tools with a simple view providing preachers with everything they need to deliver their sermon from the pulpit.
Never begin your sermon from a blank page again. Start with a framework that immediately prompts you for your ideas, application points, and illustrations, providing a head start to the arduous task of writing a sermon.
With Podium Mode, you can present your message right from your computer or tablet… or download the message as a pdf… or a word doc… or as Powerpoint / ProPresenter slides.
You don’t have to start your sermon from scratch and not ever idea has to be original. Using Sermonary’s built in resources, you can quickly add illustration ideas and other content to your sermon, eliminating hours of ‘searching’ for the right illustration.
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