Say goodbye to the blank page using our sermon templates library.
Sermonary’s sermon builder makes it easy to write and edit sermons no matter where you are or what device you use.
Explore our illustrations library that has articles, videos, quotes, and stories to choose from for your sermon.
Jumpstart your sermon writing process with a pre-built template so you can start adding your content quickly.
Forget having messy notes or disorganized printed paper. Podium Mode makes preaching from your notes smooth.
Browse a vast library of topical sermon series, expository sermon series, Bible book commentaries and Bible book summaries.
Access a variety of commentaries, cross-references, notes, and illustrations to streamline your sermon preparation and craft a well-researched message.
These templates are designed to help pastors navigate the types of sermons that follow different formats.
Always be prepared for any type of wedding ceremony using our easy-to-use template.
Preaching a funeral usually comes without notice. Have a template that's ready to use for such an important event.
A special moment template you can use when dedicating the babies in your church.
Honor your graduates with a message of hope and excitement using this practical template.