In this article you’ll learn how to hide blocks in Podium Mode! Read the information below for more details.
Podium Mode is one of our favorite features about Sermonary, and in our Sermonary Editor mode, we use a blocks platform to make the writing process simpler and more efficient. While preaching, however, you don’t always want your sermon side-notes to pop-up—which is why we’ve built in the option to hide some things you don’t want to show up while on that platform. Hiding blocks only takes a few clicks. Here’s how to do it:
To hide one of your blocks, begin by selecting the sermon you want to work on. (The sermon must be one that uses the Sermonary Editor mode.) Then, scroll to the block you’d like to be hidden while in Podium Mode. (In the GIF above, you’ll see that I’ve selected the “Explanation” block.) To the far right of every block is a “…” icon; select the icon and choose the Hide in Podium option from the dropdown menu. Then, scroll to the top, press Save Sermon—and the blocks you’ve chosen to hide will not appear while in Podium Mode! (In the GIF above, you’ll notice the “Explanation” block is no longer displayed once in Podium Mode).